Saturday, February 11, 2017

Community Sporting Events - Tri!

What a thrill to watch my sister-in-law and many other competitors bike past on the last leg of the COAST to COAST event. What a fantastic sense of achievement for everyone, including the families and support crews. The sense of satisfaction was evident on their faces.

There are many opportunities coming up for our students and our families -
The School Swimming Sports on March 1st,
The Senior School team triathlon on Friday 3rd afternoon,
the Fernside School Community Triathlon on Sunday 5 March,
Term 1 -  6 week Friday Night Basketball for years 5 - 8 , term 1's MINIBall for years 3 & 4,
The Relay for Life Event  - walking & running
The Rakahuri Rage  -  mountain biking relay Mainpower Sports trust fundraiser for the community (including years 7 & 8)  Sunday 12th March
The Huxter School team Mountain Bike relay at McLeans Island  Friday April 7th
The Canterbury Primary Schools' Duathlon on March 27th
Summer Hockey

This Wednesday Touch Teams play in the semi-final round. Thanks to Mitchell Bailey for providing the opportunity.

Friday, February 3, 2017

2017 Welcome Back - Enter the Rakahuri Rage Bike relay

Hi everyone
 I hope you are out enjoying the good weather, whether at the beach, in the hills or on a sports' field. Sleep quantities have improved following the completion of the Australian Tennis Open which was an absolute delight with the 4 finalists, the standard of play and sporting behaviours and of course the results!

This year Fernside School has new sports' shirts and swimming caps following the good work of parents Sarah and Alan, thanks guys.

Beth, our techie guru has taken us to a new level of communication with the School apps system so you can get up-to-date information with dates etc.

Please visit the pages for specific information on the differing sporting opportunities.

Please contact me with any questions or great photos. Become a follower of the Blog to keep-up-to-date and give feedback, especially about student performances.

The new basketball dates have been sent to us - see the BASKETBALL page

The Rakahuri Rage is a 6-hour team mountainbiking event to be held at the Ashley River, Rangiora, on Sunday 12th of March 2017.
This is a major fundraiser for the North Canterbury Sports’ Trust which provides opportunities for youth to be involved in physical activities. There is a Rakahuri Rage facebook or you can contact
You’ll compete in teams of 2-4 riders over an 8km course using established and new tracks.  The course offers a challenge for riders of all skill levels.  The race is open to all riders 12 years & older, with a variety of team categories available to enter to suit everyone.
Our aim is to create a relaxed and social atmosphere, where riders young and old of all abilities can safely compete in a team environment which encourages fitness and fun with a real North Canterbury flavour.  Whether you’re a lycra-wearing speed freak or just a weekend warrior, there is a place for you in the Rakahuri Rage.  

•  Open Men’s & Women’s(over 17 years)   
•  Veteran Men’s & Women’s (over 35 years)   
•  Old Cranks (over 50 years)
•  Corporate
•  Mixed
•  Family (mixture of adult and junior riders)
•  Junior (12-17 years)
•  School (Primary Year 8 students)   
Restricted to 140 teams    /      Entries close 2nd March 2017
ENTRY FEE (per rider): Adults = $55    Juniors/Yr 8 = $35
WHEN:     Sunday 12th March 2017
Race starts at 10am (briefing at 9:20am for all riders)
WHERE:   Based at the Rangiora Racecourse, Lehmans Road, Rangiora
All proceeds go to the MainPower Primary Schools Swimming Programme

Entry forms are also available from Push Bikes Rangiora and the Rangiora Fitness Centre, East Belt, Rangiora